Northern Verandahs

No. 517 Lord Street

This northern colonnade and its attached fascia frontage have received an impressive full restoration beginning in 2018 when I originally corresponded with the respective key stakeholders. This has included exposing the detailing on the intricate metalwork more clearly as depicted here alongside the return of various individual aspects, such as the overhead canopy spires. I was pleased to interact directly with the contractors on site when the first works took place and note that this cross-section has been kept very well maintained consistently since then.

No. 519 Lord Street

This northern colonnade and its attached fascia frontage have received an impressive full restoration beginning in 2018 when I originally corresponded with the respective key stakeholders. This has included exposing the detailing on the intricate metalwork more clearly as depicted here alongside the return of various individual aspects, such as the overhead canopy spires. I was pleased to interact directly with the contractors on site when the first works took place and note that this cross-section has been kept very well maintained consistently since then.

No. 521-523 Lord Street

This northern colonnade was one of the earliest cascades of matching units to undergo extensive restoration, although most of the property owners chose to undertake their own restorative works in their own time. I was pleased to assist multiple key stakeholders directly following my correspondence with them including both property owners and their contractors to return missing features such as spires and turrets on this parade of matching Victorian Verandahs. Most of the works were undertaken between 2016 to 2018 with inclusion of the overhead fascia frontages themselves.

No. 525-527 Lord Street

This unit was one of the very first major full restorations to occur back in 2015 encompassing an entire charted journey of the restorative procedure from scraping to painting the final coating. I was delighted to correspond directly with the respective stakeholders especially the contractors who spent painstakingly time and effort bringing out all the original features of this elegant building’s ironwork. Maintenance has since occurred on a periodic basis with further works likely scheduled again in due course.

No. 529 Lord Street

This unit has finally received a full and extensive restoration and since I originally responded with the respective key stakeholders. To date each side had been restored as part of the adjoining units, however I am pleased that the overhead grating and associated metal fretwork have now also been incorporated to absolutely best showcase this brilliant Victorian Verandah.

No. 531-533 Lord Street

This unit has been impeccably maintained since its original full restoration in 2016 and when I originally corresponded with the respective key stakeholders. I was pleased to chart this unit’s restorative journey in detail at the time and am delighted to see a brilliant maintenance programme that is now in place.

No. 535-563 Lord Street

This northern parade of units underwent a thorough restoration in 2018. Having corresponded with various key stakeholders associated with this historic building complex I was pleased that this section marked the official completion of the northern Victorian Verandahs’ restoration. It should be acknowledged that the overhead fascia frontages also underwent extensive restorative works before the units were refurbished thereby making these premises an attractive site for investment and occupation.

No. 565 Lord Street

This unit undertook an extensive full restoration integrating the return of lost features such as fretwork detailing and the black overhead grating back in 2015 which included its overhead facia frontage following my corresponding the respective key stakeholders. I am pleased to note that this Victorian Verandah continues to undertake a periodic maintenance programme allowing this fixture to best showcase its beauty and allure.

No. 567 Lord Street

This unit has been exceptionally maintained especially since I originally corresponded with the respective key stakeholders who undertook and extensive full restoration of their Victorian Verandahs and overhead fascia frontage back in 2015. It is pleasing to see this building undergo a regular programme of periodic maintenance setting the bar for others to follow.

No. 569 Lord Street

I am delighted to have secured the black on white colour scheme on this exceptional Victorian Verandah as of 2024. Having originally corresponded with the key stakeholders I am pleased to note that a regular periodic maintenance programme has been in place, but the integration of the black on white colour scheme truly completes this northern parade in spectacular fashion for investors, shoppers, tourists and residents alike.

No. 571 Lord Street

This northern colonnade and its attached fascia frontage have received an impressive full restoration beginning in 2018 when I originally corresponded with the respective key stakeholders. This has included exposing the detailing on the intricate metalwork more clearly as depicted here alongside the return of various individual aspects, such as the overhead canopy spires. I was pleased to interact directly with the contractors on site when the first works took place and note that this cross-section has been kept very well maintained consistently since then.

No. 573-575 Lord Street

This northern colonnade received an impressive full restoration back in 2017 and was one of the first to receive a return of the correct black on white colour scheme integrating the abacus heads upon my raising this with them. Having originally corresponded with the key stakeholders including the managing agents and their contractors I am pleased to note a proactive effort to maintain the upkeep of this shopping parade which forms a key part of the northern spine.

No. 575 Lord Street

This northern colonnade and its attached fascia frontage have received an impressive full restoration beginning in 2018 when I originally corresponded with the respective key stakeholders. This has included exposing the detailing on the intricate metalwork more clearly as depicted here alongside the return of various individual aspects, such as the overhead canopy spires. I was pleased to interact directly with the contractors on site when the first works took place and note that this cross-section has been kept very well maintained consistently since then.

No. 577 Lord Street

This northern colonnade and its attached fascia frontage have received an impressive full restoration beginning in 2018 when I originally corresponded with the respective key stakeholders. This has included exposing the detailing on the intricate metalwork more clearly as depicted here alongside the return of various individual aspects, such as the overhead canopy spires. I was pleased to interact directly with the contractors on site when the first works took place and note that this cross-section has been kept very well maintained consistently since then.

No. 579 Lord Street

This northern colonnade and its attached fascia frontage have received an impressive full restoration beginning in 2018 when I originally corresponded with the respective key stakeholders. This has included exposing the detailing on the intricate metalwork more clearly as depicted here alongside the return of various individual aspects, such as the overhead canopy spires. I was pleased to interact directly with the contractors on site when the first works took place and note that this cross-section has been kept very well maintained consistently since then.

No. 581 Lord Street

This northern colonnade and its attached fascia frontage have received an impressive full restoration beginning in 2018 when I originally corresponded with the respective key stakeholders. This has included exposing the detailing on the intricate metalwork more clearly as depicted here alongside the return of various individual aspects, such as the overhead canopy spires. I was pleased to interact directly with the contractors on site when the first works took place and note that this cross-section has been kept very well maintained consistently since then.

No. 601-605 Lord Street

This northern parade was swiftly and extensively restored in 2016 with an impressive maintenance programme that has been in place to date. As one of the final traditional vernacular based pieces of craftsmanship at this end of the high street it marks the beginning of a particularly striking colonnade that is attached to a stunning series of tenement builds that have also undergone significant restorative works to their overhead fascia frontages from 2016 to 2020.

No. 607-611 Lord Street

This final classical northern colonnade has been generally very well maintained ever since I originally corresponded with the respective key stakeholders regarding it receiving a full restoration. Since that time it has undergone periodic maintenance with upcoming works likely scheduled in 2024. It should be noted that extensive refurbishment work has been undertaken also on the most resplendent overhead fascia frontage retaining all original features which should be duly commended.

No. 613-619 Lord Street

This northern colonnade received a full and extensive restoration in 2015 when I originally corresponded with the key respective stakeholders. I note that these units have been brilliantly maintained utilising a frequent upkeep programme since that time with the most recent restorative works taking place in 2023 and 2024. The property owners should also be commended for undertaking a full refurbishment of their overhead fascia frontages which have retained their original detailing and features.

No. 657-671 Lord Street

This resplendent northern colonnade undertook an extensive full restoration back in 2015 upon my originally corresponding the respective key stakeholders including the property owners and their contractors. Since that time these Victorian Verandahs have undergone an excellent and relatively frequent maintenance programme with works also carried out in 2018, 2021 and more recently in 2024. The key stakeholders should be commended for having also undertaken a full refurbishment of the impressive overhead fascia frontages that comprise the northern gateway into the main high street. I am hopeful that the final piece of decorative metal fretwork on the adjoining Leicester Street side is finally reintegrated.